On March 8, 2019, I shared some information about Reflection in Teaching and Learning during a TLT FridayLive event. My goal was to share one way reflection can be used in a 60-90 minute learning event. I started by asking people to jot down words that come to mind when they think of reflection. I then opened a Polleverywhere slide and asked them to post these ideas. A word cloud was then created with people's responses. I debriefed that activity. Reflection is a form of practice involving these cognitive activities related to reflection: retrieval, elaboration and generation. This is from the book "Make It Stick." I then shared an activity I use at the start and at the end of a training event. I ended by asking participants to share some examples of how they use reflection in their teaching.
Examples shared by the TLT participants during the session. This was done via chat.
- I often ask about take-aways myself — three for example.
- I share a padlet with my group of learners where they can add their posts
- I have used it to ask about today’s session/class in one word
- At end of training session- what have we learned today
- I use Socrative at the end of the session as an exit question to jot down what they learned from the session
- I would use it to ask at the beginning what they expect to learn today?
- Face-to-face: provide opportunities for reflection in writing that is then shared in small groups, with each group sharing at least one response (not necessarily read by the person that wrote it). In online, asking students to synthesize responses to readings/materials/previous discussion by posts to a discussion forum.
- I have used pollen as a pre/post quiz
- Does anyone use a shared Google Doc for shared reflection writing?
- Asking what they know and then at the end what they now know
- Introduce students to Bloom’s Taxonomy and learning strategies by using reflection activities. Require them to post how they will use this information for the class, and have each student respond to two or three posts.
Recommended Readings from Steve Gilbert
- "Introduction: What is Reflection in Learning?" [pp.7-16] from book: Reflection: Turning experience into learning - [Downloadable PDF of pp1-17] Edited by David Boud, Rosemary Keogh, and David Walker; Published by RoutledgeFalmer, Taylor & Francis Group. First published 1985, reprinted 1987, 1994, transferred to Digital Printing 2005.Copyright© 1985 David Boud, Rosemary Keogh, David Walker and contributors.
- "Reflections on Teaching and Learning Reflection," [2pp.] Dr. Sue Pieper, Northern Arizona University, e-Learning Center; elc-help@nau.edu https://www.nau.edu/news/reflections-on-teaching-and-learning-reflection/
- "An Introduction to Academic Practice: Reflection", [2pp.] Library Guides, Univ. of Lincoln, https://guides.library.lincoln.ac.uk/c.php?g=110741&p=717892
- "Designing for reflection in online courses" [7pp. pp.313-319] - ResearchGate
by J Herrington & Ron Oliver at Edith Cowan University; January 2002; Cited by 54 - Related articles; Article (PDF Available) · with 335 Reads.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/49281179_Designing_for_reflection_in_online_courses - Educause summary [2pp.] of book: Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA 2014.
Summary only: https://er.educause.edu/~/media/files/blogs/2018/6/er183409quickreferencequide.pdf?la=en - "Cultivating Reflection and Metacognition" [PDFs available for "Metacognition – Cultivating Reflection to Help Students Become Self-Directed Learners" and "Supplement 1: Inserting Self-Reflective Comments"] U. Mich, LSA, Sweetland Center for Writing, https://lsa.umich.edu/sweetland/instructors/teaching-resources/cultivating-reflection-and-metacognition.html - Recommended by Saundra McGuire 20190314
thanks for sharing