Saturday, March 15, 2014

Creating Documents for Screen Readers: Beginning My Learning Journey

This is just the beginning of my journey into the world of screen readers and creating documents.  I will add more as I continue down the road.

Lesson #1: Screen Readers and Tables
This first lesson I attribute to Nicki Ugalde. There is allot more to learn but here is one of my first small steps. Below is a message I created with Movenote and sent to Dee Fink as my learning took place in preparation for his March 14, 2014 TLT FridayLive presentation.
The main lesson I learned was to be sure the table headings are inside the table unlike the document you see below.  A screen reader will not interpret "Week/Module 1" as a heading the way it is set up. This link will also take you to the Movenote.

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