Sunday, March 30, 2014

Experimenting with Game Boards in Adobe Connect

"Games can be used to test prior knowledge when introducing a topic or they can be used to test understanding", (p. 25, Dailey (2011). Robins (2010) explains that games are a good way to learn for these reasons:
  • they involve intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, 
  • have clear measures of success and feedback
  • have reduced stakes
  • help student translate various skills, concepts and ideas;
  • involve both collaboration and competition
  • usually include a tutorial or clear instructions for play; and 
  • facilitate reflective thinking
This experiment involved taking a game board activity and adapting it to Adobe Connect.  Every webinar has unique functionality.  In Adobe Connect only presenters can use whiteboard tools, so volunteers are needed and their status changed to presenter for the duration of the game. I hope this recipe will help you give it a try.  It was a fun and engaging experiment.  I very much appreciate those who volunteered to help. I had a much smaller group than anticipated and plan to try it again with a larger group to see how it goes.

  1. Game Board. There are a variety of free templates for developing question cards and game boards.  This link will take you to a very simple PowerPoint game board. You can customize the game board by adding images to the board relevant to the topic.   Below is an image of the Adobe Connect layout.
  2. A Set of Multiple Choice Questions. The site above also has a template for making question cards which could be use in a face to face setting.  I used PowerPoint to create a slide for each question with the answer animated to appear with a click.
  3. Tokens. There a few symbol choices available using the whiteboard tools in AC.  I created two symbols and filled them in with a different color.
  4. Die. I used a digital die from this site,  I rolled the die off camera and told them the result.  It would have great to roll the die within Adobe.
  • In preparation for the game, the questions need to be developed and the PowerPoint or card set created. In addition the game bard can be customized.
  • Obtain two volunteers willing to move the token for each team.  Change their status to presenter.  Participants are not able to use whiteboard drawing tools. I then gave the volunteers directions on how to move the token using the select drawing tool. 

  • The selected token will then appear as below and they can then click and drag the token
    throughout the game board.  Give the volunteers a chance to practice.

  • I divided the participants into two groups based on their last name and reviewed the following directions which were on a ppt slide

  • I revealed the question and then allowed anyone on the team to answer.  If they all have mic access this could take place orally if not, then the answers could be shared in the chat pod.  If the team did not have the correct answer, I allowed the other team an opportunity to answer.
  • Below is the Adobe Connect room layout during the game.

Dailey, B.A.M. 2001. Creating Significant Deep Learning Experiences: The Cross Papers Number 14. Phoenix, AZ: League for Innovation in the Community College.
Robins, S.S., Eisert, D. and Kelton, A.J. (2010, October 14). Games: The Best Way to Learn, Period. Retrieved from Educause

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Creating Documents for Screen Readers: Beginning My Learning Journey

This is just the beginning of my journey into the world of screen readers and creating documents.  I will add more as I continue down the road.

Lesson #1: Screen Readers and Tables
This first lesson I attribute to Nicki Ugalde. There is allot more to learn but here is one of my first small steps. Below is a message I created with Movenote and sent to Dee Fink as my learning took place in preparation for his March 14, 2014 TLT FridayLive presentation.
The main lesson I learned was to be sure the table headings are inside the table unlike the document you see below.  A screen reader will not interpret "Week/Module 1" as a heading the way it is set up. This link will also take you to the Movenote.