Study Sets
I first started using Quizlet in March 2016. I created a set of questions and used them as a review at the end of a training session.Next I used Quizlet for my own learning and created study sets to assist in my study of wine. I really liked being able to access the Quizlet app on my phone and study while I walked.
Here is a link to a Quizlet study set I made while reading the book "Make It Stick."
Quizlet Live
Next up with Quizlet has recently been the new classroom game, Quizlet Live. This is a team collaboration game. It works best with terminology. The first time I used it with a group the energy level went from 20 - 1000. It took me a little while to understand the collaboration piece. When team members sign in they each see 4 different possible answer choices. This is important to explain as you start the game. For some reason it wasn't intuitive to me.Diagrams
You can also incorporate diagrams into Quizlet. Here is an example, Tongue Taste Areas
I have used the quiz feature in Kahoot and love it as an in class review activity. I would like to learn more about the Discussion, Survey and Jumble as well as the team aspect of the quiz game.