Sunday, April 14, 2013

Two MOOCs start this Week: April 15th

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) have been called ”the single biggest change in  education since the printing press” (Anant Agarwall, President edX). Zaid Alzagoff developed this comprehensive presentation, “Demystifying MOOCs”

Demystifying MOOCs! from Zaid Alsagoff

Educause has also assembled some great MOOC resources:

My recommendation is to find a MOOC and check it out for yourself. I have participated in 3 and have learned something new each time.  There are two MOOCs starting this week that I will be participating in.  It would be fun to have you join me.  Let me know if you will be testing the waters and we can meet to talk about our experiences, tweet me @luv2playgolf or comment below.  Up-coming MOOC information:
1. Instructional Design for Mobile Learning (#IDML13) – Free Professional Development This is a micro MOOC which means that it is focused with targeted skill building in the MOOC format. Kickoff event is 4/16/2013, 1pm CT April 15 - May 12, 2013.

Offered by the Blended Schools Network.  They will be using Google Plus and SoftTalk Cloud.  5 weeks beginning 4/15/13.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

MOOC Guidelines begin to Emerge


Amy Woodgate returns to FridayLive tomorrow, April 12th, 2:00 PM ET to continue the conversation about MOOCs. 

The #edcmooc "eLearning & Digital Cultures" MOOC is the TLT sMOOCher's second MOOC. This link will take you to the guidelines that have emerged from our previous conversations as captured by Steve Gilbert. We will continue to add to these guidelines and welcome your contributions as well. Comment below or add to the Google doc